Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

Chess history

In Indonesia, chess, including a sizable popular sport. In every corner of our region can find people to play chess. Whether to fill the time, either to tighten the first. When independence day celebrations, chess tournament also was held almost certainly follow.
In addition to prepare simple, low cost, can be applied in the environment, chess can also be played by anyone. Even for some people, sports have the prestige of this brain material.

The description above is different from the time when the sport first played. Previously, only chess played by the king at the palace. Hence, whenever that chess is often referred to as the royal game.

Questions country's chess, there is still a cross opinion. According to H. J. R. Murray, author of the book Chess History (1913), chess originated from India and started there in the century-6. In chess there chaturanga known by the name, which means that the four elements that separate. Initially, chess pieces are only four types. According to ancient Indian mysticism, chess is considered to represent the universe, so often associated with the lives of four elements, namely fire, air, land and water, because in the gamechess symbolize the way of human life.

In the game, chess analysis relies on subtlety and players, along with skills in determining the strategy, plan, risks, and must decide when to sacrifice to win.

However, the opinion of the Murray as Muhammad Ismail Sloan, a lot to learn chess history. According to Sloan, if chess is found in India, the game should mention in the literature, Sanskrit literature. Indeed, no one in the Indian Sanskrit literature that mentioned the matter before the century chess-6. Conversely, the Chinese poet is saying this game one-lyric verse of them, 800 the previous year.

So, according to Ismail Sloan, in Cina first played chess. But at the time of the ring chess not boxes, but flatly. Fruit chess also consists of only four types, namely king, fortresses, knight (horse), and the bishop (elephant).

In the new century-6, chess brought Muslims from India to Persia and all over the world. Perhaps, in the period Caliph Ali bin Abi Tholib, chess is a popular game played. Even may also by the Caliph Ali own. There is also the commander stated that the war Prophet Muhammad, Khalid bin Walid also like chess. Maybe this is related to the righteous set the strategy of war.

There is also a friend of the Prophet Said bin Jubair famous can play blindfold (blind chess, playing without seeing the chessboard). In the days following Caliph Islam, such as the Caliph Harun Al-Rashid was also known to endow a chessboard to a king in Europe, the founder of the dynasty Carolia, namely Charlemagne.

In the 8th century when the nation of Islam spread the Moors to Spain, chess started to spread to mainland Europe to in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, and Russia. In the archipelago, sports brain is taken by the Dutch colonial time in the past. Initially, only the Dutch people who play chess, but towards independence, many indigenous start the coverflow.

In the chess history has many European nations to develop this chess game, among others, with the board to make chess black and white. This occurred approximately 10 centuries. Previously, the boxes the same color. Even people often make this chess game arena on the sand or anywhere that can be given line. From Europe also made regulations that can pawn forward two steps in the box and the first minister (queen) can move more freely both forward and diagonally.

Slower chess development. From the name, form, and the game rules. These symbols represent the changes of civilization.

(Rina Nazrina)

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